Introduced in England in 1897. Has a good sweet flavour, with a firm flesh. A heavy cropper, ripens late and keeps for 1 to 2 months. Used for eating and dessert. Has a green skin with a dull red blush. PLANTING: Before planting, prune well back to an outward pointing bud to encourage branching. Plant in an open sunny position in free-draining soil. Although relatively self-fertile, planting another apple ensures heavier crops through cross-pollination. CARE: Water regularly to ensure good bud growth and fruit set. Feed with complete fertiliser or animal manure in Spring. Spray for codling moth after fruit set. PRUNING: Prune in Winter. Remove vigorous upright shoots, inward growing branches, weak shoots or dead wood. CROSS POLINATIORS OF THIS VARIETY INCLUDE: Eagle Star / Gala / Granny Smith / Irish Peach / Lady Williams /Laxtons Superb / Pink Lady / Red Astrachan / Snow Apple / Stewarts Seedling / Tydeman’s Early Worcester / Vista Bella.