19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
One of the oldest giant pansies grown, it is still one of the most
popular for its long lasting qualities as a massed display or a border.
Early sowings, which will need some overhead protection and a very
careful watering on hot days, will produce flowers in winter while
later ones will continue to provide a display until early summer.
The garden bed should be prepared by digging in a compost and
old stable manure and applying a top dressing of lime a few weeks
before planting out seedlings.
Sow in finely textured soil by broadcasting seeds into a seed box or
bed and covering lightly with soil.
Transplant seedlings when 4 to 5cm high, spacing them 25-30cm
apart. As soon as the first flowers appear fortnightly applications of
a liquid fertiliser will extend the flowering period.