
Sweet William Mixed


Product Info

Sweet William Mixed
Dianthus barbatus
1 gram seed

A brightly coloured member of the Dianthus-Carnation family, it isA brightly coloured member of the Dianthus-Carnation family, it isa hardy biennial suitable for flower borders or bedding displays.Although Sweet William plants will produce some flowers in theirfirst season, they will be more prolific in the second season.Sow seed in the open garden or in a seed box, planting theseedlings out in rows so they can develop into sturdy plantsready for planting out later.They require a reasonably rich well-drained loamy soil whichhas been limed previously. They prefer an open sunny position,require an abundance of water during dry weather and willrespond to an occasional application of liquid fertiliser prior toand during the flowering season.
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