19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
2 x 42 litre potato growing bags
Directions for use:
Preparation: For best results use certified seed potatoes which are available from May onwards. Place the seed potatoes in a warm, frost free but well lit area for them to produce short shoots. Once these appear place the seed potatoes in the grow bag ensuring that they will not be exposed to frosts. Planting in greenhouses will allow for an earlier start.
Planting: Add 15cm of potting media to the grow bag and space 2 or 3 potatoes upright and evenly on the potting media. Add further potting media to cover. When growing strongly further potting media can be added but do not completely cover the plants. Repeat the process until the foliage is well above the rim, potting media can be added up to 15mm below the rim. Keep potting media moist and add the appropriate plant food for an improved harvest.
Protect from frosts at all times.
Water regularly and do not allow the potting media to dry out.
Harvesting: Once the plant is flowering it is worth checking for your first new potatoes.
Key Features: