Hard Wearing Lawn Seed


Product Info

Hard Wearing Lawn Seed
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100% lawn seed, no fillers

This seed is best sown during Autumn, Winter and Early Spring when the soil
profile is moist deep down for ease of root penetration.
This mixture consists of Victorian Perennial Rye Grass, which has been the
base for lawn seed mixes for the past 50 years. This grass is hardy and
stands up well to wear. It also contains three fine “English” type grasses
that survive under poorer conditions.
SOWING: Rotary hoe or dig the soil and incorporate a quality Lawn Starter
Fertilizer at the specified rate.
Rake and level the soil; then sow the seed at 1kg to 30 square metres.
Lightly rake the soil and water well.
Ensure the soil is moist at all times until the grass is well established.
MAINTENANcE: Do not initially mow until the grass is 75mm high.
The first cutting should be at 50mm high; subsequent cuttings should be
between 20 and 30mm. For maximum performance never cut below
this height.
Use a quality fertilizer specialised for lawns each August and March.
Analysis by weight
85% Perennial Rye Grass
7.5% chewings Fescue
7.5% Kentucky Blue

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