19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Purple sprouting Broccoli is an heirloom variety very similar to itsPurple sprouting Broccoli is an heirloom variety very similar to itscousin Green Sprouting. It is open pollinated and keeps producingmany small florets over a long period, especially when pickedregularly. Best results are obtained during the cooler months of theyear. It is very tasty in Stir Fries or Steaming. Commercial growersgrow the hybrid variety which only has one large seed head. Theseed of the hybrid is much more expensive than this variety.Soil must be well manured to encourage vigorous growth and getthe best results. An application of Sulphate of Ammonia as a sidedressing when they commence flowering will be beneficial. Dustregularly with Cabbage or Derris Dust to Control White CabbageMoth and aphids.