Cauliflower Snowball


Product Info

Cauliflower Snowball
Brassica oleracea
contains 250 seeds

An early maturing variety for planting in most areas, its mediumAn early maturing variety for planting in most areas, its mediumsize heads mature in 4-5 months from sowing.Soil preparation is vital to success in growing all cauliflowersand a deeply dug, heavily manured and well drained soil with apH range of 6.5-7 is essential. The best manure is poultry andshould be applied and dug in some weeks before seedlingsare planted.It is essential to keep plants growing and a feed every 2 or3 weeks with a nitrogenous fertiliser will ensure solid heads.Cultivation should be restricted to shallow hoeing to controlweeds. Protect plants against aphis and white cabbage mothattack.

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