
Sweetcorn Snogold Bicolour F1


Product Info

Sweetcorn Snogold Bicolour F1

Contains 10 Grams

A super-sweet type of sweet corn which has a special gene that not onlyA super-sweet type of sweet corn which has a special gene that not onlyproduces much higher sugar levels but also slows the conversion of sugarto starch. The slower breakdown and higher sugar levels gives supersweeta longer shelf life after harvesting than traditional types. Snogold,with its two different coloured kernels, white and yellow running in thecob-rows, makes it easier to identify as a super-sweet type from the othertypes of corn.Sweet corn requires warmth and moisture to make quick growth. A fertile soilin full sun should be prepared by digging-in compost and or cow manureand applying a complete fertilizer at a rate of 150g per square metre.The soil should be regularly cultivated between the plants and rows as ameasure of weed control and to build up soil around the plants until they areon a small hill. Protect young plants with a snail and slug bait.

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