19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
A small type pumpkin with an excellent flavour and dry flesh, itA small type pumpkin with an excellent flavour and dry flesh, itis ideal for gardens with a limited growing area.Choose a site in an open, warm and sunny position andprepare soil by digging compost and animal manure into a 1metre square to form or hills 1 metre apart.Apply a light dressing of a complete fertiliser at the rate of 20gper hill and sow 4 seeds to each hill.Apply plenty of water during the growing season by irrigationrather than over the foliage because overhead watering tendsto onset Powdery Mildew particularly toward the end ofthe growing season. Powdery Mildew can be controlled byspraying with a fungicide as soon as the disease is noticed.