19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
A reliable leaf vegetable of the red-beet family but does not produceA reliable leaf vegetable of the red-beet family but does not producethickened roots. It is a most attractive variety with plants havingscarlet stems.Like red beet, silver beet does not like an acid soil so when preparingsoil apply a base dressing of fowl manure and 45g per square metreof a complete Fertilizer which should be dug-in then apply a surfacedressing of garden lime at a rate of 60g per square metre.Sow seeds in rows 50cm apart and 20mm deep. When seedlingsare 5cm high thin out to 30cm apart. Thinnings can be transplanted.Side dressings of sulphate of ammonia, to each side of the rowevery three weeks will maintain good growth. Leaves are pulled offlike rhubarb leaves and together with the stalks are cooked as agreen vegetable.