19 Radford Place, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
A large variety suitable for salads or cooking, it is best suited forA large variety suitable for salads or cooking, it is best suited forcooler regions.Select a site in an open sunny and windy position and prepare the soilby digging-in well-rotted manure and/or compost and top dressingwith lime to bring the pH up to 6.5–7 up to 3 months before sowingseed. Before sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings apply acomplete fertilizer at the rate of 25g per square metre and rake it in.This preparation should ensure no additional fertilising will berequired. Fertilisers high in nitrogen must be avoided.Seeds can be sown directly and thinly into the garden bed in drillsor alternatively, raised in a prepared seed bed then transplanted,when 10–15cm high. Regular cultivation to control weeds isessential and it will be necessary to hand weed between plantsin the rows.